Lisa Brennan
(406) 549-9239 extension 236
About me
I have had the pleasure of being the librarian at Target Range since 2009. I have always loved books and reading, so having a job where I get to share that interest with students every day is the best! I got my undergraduate degree in English and history at Montana State University (yes, I'm a Bobcat!) and my library masters at the University of Washington. I've worked in public, university and school libraries where I've been proud to support lifelong learning, intellectual freedom, and access to materials. Outside of school I enjoy backpacking, cross country skiing, photography, discovering new recipes, and spending time with my family.
What you can expect in the library this year
At the Target Range School library students can expect to find an atmosphere of inclusiveness, where diversity, critical thinking, personal interests, and broad perspectives are accepted and encouraged. Students can expect everything from book care, online safety, and research skills to be covered in their library classes. We will regularly share stories, as that is such an important way for us to connect as humans. Learning more about something, or someone, through their story enables us to understand and accept them, and often understand ourselves better, as well.
Students can elect to participate in the Montana Battle of the Books. It is a reading incentive program for students in grades 3 to 6 that a colleague and I brought first to TR, and then to the whole state of Montana. The MTBoB encourages students to read good books and have fun while competing with their peers. Students begin reading the books in the fall, with the school competitions held in February and the State competition in March.
The library hosts Scholastic book fairs each fall and spring, typically during parent/teacher conferences. The fairs generate excitement about reading and offer families an opportunity to explore with their student a wide variety of reading material. The proceeds from the book fair enable the library to purchase items for everyone to enjoy that might not otherwise be in the budget.
Daily schedule
7:45-8:05 - Crosswalk Duty
8:09-9:04 - 6th Grade Library (Orange)
8:09-9:04 - 7th/8th Learning Lab (Blue)
9:30-10:00 - 4th Grade Library
10:50-11:20 - 5th Grade Library
12:35-1:05 - Kindergarten Library
1:10-1:40 - 1st Grade Library
1:45-2:15 - 2nd Grade Library
2:25-2:55 - 3rd Grade Library
How we can work together
It is easiest to get in touch with me by email.
Everything Asian
Dogs, cats, horses - I can't pick just one!
Veera Donuts
Favorite picture book: Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
Favorite middle grade book: Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
Favorite grown up book: This House of Sky by Ivan Doig
A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.
Neil Gaiman