Michelle MacIntyre
3rd Grade
(406) 549-9239 extension 267

About me
I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have a job I truly love. I have been teaching for many years and still continue to be motivated by students' energy and love for learning. I am a native of Butte who moved to Missoula to earn a BA in Education at the University of Montana. I fell in love with Missoula and happily call Missoula my home. Since I moved here, my husband, Scott, and I have two creative, active and amazing boys, Ben and Jack. We have a dog, Marley, who completes our family. We love all things sports, whether watching Ben and Jack play sports, cheering on the Griz, the Seahawks, the Bulldogs or simply a “pick-up’ game in the yard. Time spent with my family is priceless.
What you can expect in 3rd grade this year
What To Expect in Third Grade
Reading: fluently read and comprehend fiction and non-fiction text. Read with expression. Understand elements of reading including plot, sequence of evens, character traits, and more.
Writing: Using the writing process including: plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish. Attending to structure in writing; paragraphs, titles, using margins to guide writing. Responding to prompts, opinion paragraphs, personal narratives and informational pieces.
Math: Addition and Subtraction within 1000 using regrouping, rounding to the nearest ten and hundred, estimation, two-dimensional shapes and attributes, measurement in standard and metric units, volume, area, and perimeter, multiplication, division, elapsed time, understanding fractions and solving two-step word problems.
Social Studies: Explore our community and its heritages, compare past to present, meeting Missoulians from today and long ago, and studying our local native cultures.
Science: Biological adaptation and evolution, heredity, lifecycles, some animals live on living in groups to survive, changes to habitat may cause animals to become extinct or adapt, fossils, balanced vs. unbalanced forces, magnets and electricity, weather and climate, and creating engineering to protect humans from natural disasters.
Social, emotional learning (SEL): Focus on importance of having a growth mindset.
Daily schedule
8:15- Morning Meeting
8:30- ELA- Reading
9:50- Recess
10:05- Math
11:20- Recess/Lunch
12:00- What I Need
12:30- Specials (Library, PE, Music)
1:00- Writing 1:45- Science/Social Studies/Art
2:15- Recess
2:30- Home Room
3:00- Dismissal
How we can work together
Your child's educational and social emotional well being is always first priority. Never hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. We use Remind APP for quick contact and announcements. Email and calling Target Range is an additional method to contact me. Look for a monthly newsletter with learning highlights, announcements, and special dates. Home to school connection is an important piece of every child's education. Encouraging your child to gain a love for reading has endless benefits. Set time aside to read nightly with your child or time for them to read independently. Lastly, Friday Folders are sent home weekly with classwork, graded assignments, art, and projects.
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry and Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner
Acai bowl from Green Source
Softball & Volleyball
Ciao Mambo & Mustard Seed
Almond Milk Latte
Relationships before Rigor Grace before Grades Patience before Programs Love before Lessons.
Dr. Brad Johnson