over 1 year ago, Target Range School
It’s that time of year! If your student is participating in soccer, volleyball, or cross country we need you to attend this meeting. We’ll start at 6pm, August 31. Please enter through the gym doors. Contact Dan Ries with any questions. Email: dan.ries@target.k12.mt.us
over 1 year ago, Dan Ries
Mark your calendars!
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
Start / End Times
Mark your calendars and plan to join us on Monday, August 28, 2023! We can't wait to see you!
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
Back to School
COME CHECK OUT THE LOST AND FOUND Is your child missing a coat? Shoes? Pants? Sweatshirts? Water Bottle? We have a TON of items that have been turned into the Lost and Found. Please be sure to come check out the Lost and Found! Items are displayed in the front foyer. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity next week
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Here is the LAST Tiger News for the 2022-2023 School Year! The last day of school for PK and 8th grade is Thursday, June 8th The last day of school for K-7 Grade is Friday, June 9th (12:00 and 12:30 dismissal times) https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ8CbOd4gqXTm7wPTW18Q3bAwOfEekkWa-pT0StYvxGh8mT0zyhN2nvt0RTMzMZxM2WVdVyAZ-l8k98/pub
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
tiger news
Here is the latest Tiger News for 5/26/23. Reminder: No School on Monday 5/29. Have a great weekend! https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSkgUFyCuxfpkSx6nYuZXUIllfRE48AMCb0rrlFhHiil2jamhaPBzjVj5lqh18yg9PsMBbiVhxBtCg0/pub
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
tiger news
Hello TR Families! Lots of fun community events coming up this week including a book drive and a TR Community Disc Golf Event! Check them out in the Tiger News for 5/19/23. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR2JtBRxIyX_TOB13X2UPrEZawpKC2qgv4aqmRQZhfx2r8xJENgpveZiTyqM55c6h1uhEcVpr32-CXN/pub
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
tiger news
Please check out this week's Tiger News for 5/12/23 for all the events coming up at Target Range next week. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTD20eGrzOVoYUcrLSA0oZ4Gjg5egiP-vSy18o0olVNctwYAcJYSCKNMNqUEK0Ft1_tKvr2_5pkrwqY/pub
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
tiger news
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
tigers news
Please take a look at the Tiger News for 4/21/23 for the next week's events. Also- a few things to keep in mind: • TODAY (Friday, 4/21) is the LAST day to order yearbooks. You can order online at ybpay.com using the code: 8368423 **This website is working again for those that tried earlier and couldn't get through • No School for Kindergarten ONLY on Thursday, April 27. • No School for ALL GRADES on Friday, April 28 https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQHBv-zZugqpWSouI3M3onNDazby3pA3Hwr3Car5_EUTmP2a2lmIoMTM3kh0Nz7Y4Gm8T2fP1sI-snt/pub
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
tiger news
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
tiger news
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
tiger news
Be sure to register your incoming kindergarten student soon!
over 1 year ago, Target Range School
Kindergarten Registration
Here are the upcoming events in the Tiger News for 3/17/23. Wishing everyone a safe and restful Spring Break! We look forward to seeing you back at school on March 27th. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSOByEYsw6XWUgXhd61VyimcZh2wTMC3NEATbID1EIzIKAh329eK9oZjoXnabo9-C7bLZ-ITsTeCMLr/pub
almost 2 years ago, Target Range School
spring break
Don't forget about Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, March 12th and be sure to set your clocks forward one hour! Also, check out the Tiger News for 3/10/23!
almost 2 years ago, Target Range School
tiger news
There is a lot happening at Target Range so be sure to check out the Tiger News for 3/4/23! https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRZc-zKLqwZ8tieF6OCCbbHnZz5EmtD_NIe5-YzY2UUM554-AOrmk_OpIdjNm6oFDCtoQFy_IzYO-Vv/pub
almost 2 years ago, Target Range School
tiger news